Technology assessment

Find out if your oncology practice is investing in the right technology to drive efficiency and enhance patient care.

Take this 1-minute assessment to unlock your personalized recommendations.

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Great news!

We have identified four recommendations for you.

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Based on your responses, you're well-equipped for success.

Fill out the form if you'd like to schedule time with us to learn how oncology practices are delivering patient-centric care and improving financial performance through Cardinal Health.

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Your personalized assessment

Based on your responses, we recommend the following solutions from Cardinal Health to help you succeed:

Your practice profile

Value-based agreements, care management programs
Performance Insights

Track total cost of care, identify patients eligible for enhanced care programs and predict value-based performance.

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Based on your response:
No method to track total cost of care (outside of the practice)
End-to-End Population Health Management Tools

Identify patients that are on an accelerated path to an adverse event and prioritize those who are modifiable.

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Based on your response:
No method to identify rising-risk patients
Comprehensive EHR, Practice Management System and RCM Services

Streamline operations and improve efficiency with a unified solution.

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Based on your response:
Separate EHR and Practice Management systems
Decision Path

Compare regimens by clinical indication and cost at the point of care. Make optimal treatment decisions with a critical view that informs patient care decisions on the spot.

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Based on your response:
No regimen comparison by cost in EHR
ePROs + Triage Support

Automate patient outreach and increase engagement with an ePRO-based symptom monitoring tool that is fed directly into the care navigation dashboard.

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Based on your response:
No method to monitor patient symptoms electronically between visits
Care Team Extension

Scale staff efficiency and expand patient outreach capabilities. We provide a dedicated clinical team, that acts as part of your team.

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Based on your response:
Lacking staff capacity for patient outreach and monitoring
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